Viktor (Dragon's Dogma AU)


Biographical Information

Full name

  • Viktor


  • Vicky


  • Alive


  • Pawn


Hair Color

  • Dirty Blonde

Eye Color

  • Purple

Skin Color

  • Pallid


  • 201cm

Social Information


  • The Rift


  • Warrior

Priska's main pawn. A skilled warrior and diplomat, who often speaks on his Arisen's behalf.

Briefly acted as his Arisen's mentor, who had little experience in braving the elements prior to her initial bout with the Dragon.


Very confident, and often comes off as arrogant as a result. Has good people skills, despite his nature as a pawn.

Much like all pawns, he tends to be overprotective of his Arisen, though in his case, often to the point of condescension.

Comes off as rather cold initially, and can be quite aggressive in battle.

Has a habit of sampling the local cuisines (read: pastries and drinks.) Rather fond of indulging in various luxuries, much to the dismay of his Arisen's purse.

Dislikes caves, and other similarly cramped areas.


A tall, pale, burly man with dirty blonde hair. Has purple irises. Some signs of age show on his face.

Roughly resembles a person of Voldoan descent.

Has a fringe with a side part, with a cowlick that runs along the back of his head. Light body hair covers his body.

Originally had his hair cut quite short, though he let it grow long during his travels, and kept in a single low side braid. Likewise, he was originally clean-shaven, but let it grow but kept the beard trimmed close to his chin.

His human form has dark brown hair and blue eyes.
